Support Us

Mizpah GoodNews Ministries

Support Us

Here at Mizpah, we’re working hard to save and grow lives for Christ through a ministry of compassion. Mizpah is staffed with dedicated people who love doing ministry and serving God by reaching His people. Yet, we are not always equipped with resources. We offer you an opportunity to partner with us to reach out the needy in the land of India and Tanzania.

You can partner with us by Sponsoring a child for $30 a month, sponsor a church for $60 a month, sponsor a Bible seminary student for $60 a month or support the ministry in general. Whatever you do, know that you are helping to spread the Gospel even further than you could ever imagine.

All financial support is tax exempt and year receipt will be sent to you.

If you would like to send a check:

Mizpah GoodNews Ministries
P.O. Box 2590
Chandler, AZ 85286

Thank you for blessing God’s work in India and Tanzania!


